Champions for a Cure Gala

Association for Creatine Deficiencies

Champions for a Cure Gala

Fundraiser & Silent Auction Benefitting ACD’s Patient Strong Fund

June 30, 2024 • 6:30 – 10:00 PM

Little America Hotel

500 Main St, Salt Lake City, UT

Join us for dinner & dancing

All attire welcome


Attendees will be from our patient community, CCDS research, clinical care, government policy and the pharmaceutical industry.


Proceeds of the Champions for a Cure Gala will benefit Association for Creatine Deficiencies to support education, newborn screening and diagnostic advocacy, family support and research for Cerebral Creatine Deficiency Syndromes.

Meet ACD

Overview of the disorders

About Cerebral Creatine Deficiencies

Creatine deficiencies account for an estimated 3.5% of all cases of undiagnosed cognitive disability and autism

Every day without adequate creatine is a day lost in the fight against brain damage, muscular loss, developmental delays and seizures

On average, it takes 7 years for families to get a diagnosis

If diagnosed at birth, 2 of the 3 creatine deficiencies can be treated and patients can experience typical growth and development

We need your support to make a difference for CCDS families now!

ACD is a parent-led rare, neurodegenerative disease non-profit on a mission to find a cure for creatine deficiencies (CCDS).

Support for our 2024 Symposium allows us to continue to fund life-changing research and unite our community in advocating and advancing actions that can lead to a cure or treatment.


  • Supercharge your visibility in front of an international consortium of clinicians, researchers, policy makers and CCDS families.
  • Show your community how much you care about children battling a rare, neurodegenerative disease.
  • Make important connections that can elevate your business, both in person and online. Network with industry professionals, such as our university research and clinical partners below.

For all questions related to the gala, auction items or sponsorships, please contact

Gala Director: Kelsie Nolan • • 973-590-7144