All posts by: Heidi Wallis

About Heidi Wallis

“Raising Reid” – Whitnie They say it takes a village to raise a child. I believe that to be true. If left up to me alone, I’m not sure I’d survive […]

“This Too Shall Pass” – Nathan Hello again friends, thanks for taking the time to once again visit with our interesting family adventures. The past several weeks have been good […]

I’m Sarah and my daughter Ella is now 6 and a half. She was diagnosed with GAMT at just over 3 years old (February 2013). Before diagnosis Ella was initially […]

“Sweet William” – Jessica Hi, my name is Jessica and my son William, who just turned 5, has Creatine Transporter Deficiency (CTD). William was born in April 2011 and as first […]

“Out of the Dark” – Beth When it comes to high points in my life, I have many—my wedding day, each of the births of my three children.  It’s difficult […]

RUSP Presentation – Heidi Hi. My name is Heidi Wallis. I am the mother of four children- two with GAMT and two without. There are a few things I want […]

RUSP Presentation – Laura My name is Laura Martin and I’m here with the Association for Creatine Deficiencies to tell you about my son Ryan.  Ryan will be 5 years […]

RUSP Presentation – Kim Hello, my name is Kim Tuminello and I am a mother of 2 children with GAMT. I’m also the President for the Association for Creatine Deficiencies […]

“A Mother’s Intuition and How One Family Never Gave Up” – Whitnie Parents have a sixth sense about their children. Call it a hunch, a gut feeling or a Mother’s/Father’s […]