Holiday Heroes 2023 Fundraising Kit

Holiday Heroes fundraising made EASY!

We’re so glad that you have decided to participate in this year’s Holiday Heroes campaign.

Together, we are going to accomplish big things!

Let’s get started!

Thank you for partnering with us in our 2023 Holiday Heroes fundraising efforts! It is only when we come together as a community that we are able to make change happen. This year, we aim to raise $350,000 to support AGAT, GAMT, and CTD research. 

This goal is ambitious, but we are confident that with your help we will succeed!

Below you will find pre-packaged materials that you can use for Holiday Heroes fundraising. Most of this information is copy-paste. These are easy ways to make a big difference! 

Connect ACD with a Charitable Giving Partner

Do you have a connection with a business in your community that loves to do well and loves to do good? This could be a company you work for or are familiar with in some other way. Reach out to your supervisor or the company leader to see if the company has already allocated their social responsibility budget for this year. If you can coordinate a warm connection, we can handle the rest. Please send the contact info for that individual to

Ask a local business to Round Up at check out

Have you ever been asked to round up your purchase to the nearest dollar to support a charity? This kind of fundraising program is easy to set up and they can be very effective! Think of a local business you frequent with a tablet-style checkout—a coffee shop, local brewery, or bookstore. Hand deliver the letter linked below to a manager to ask if they would consider a Round Up campaign for a month. It would be great to also explain a bit about your story as a CCDS parent at this time.

ACD will provide signage to promote Holiday Heroes to in-person customers. 

This business would be an ACD corporate sponsor and would be recognized on social media and in the ACD Annual Report, which may incentivize them.

Round Up Campaign Letter (MS Word)

Round Up Campaign Letter (PDF)

Fundraising Page Story (your GiveLively page)

Sharing your CCDS story is a great way to connect with your community and demonstrate what the Holiday Heroes campaign means to you and your family.

Looking for inspiration or examples? Check out the template linked below.

Social Media
Emails / Letters
Email Signature

Suggested text:

Be a holiday hero, support creatine deficiency research!

Donate at [your custom URL or]

Virtual meeting background

Click here to discover other ways to fundraise!

If you have questions about the campaign I am here to help! Send me an email at

Share ACD Holiday Heroes Images

Feel free to use any of the images below to invite your family, friends, and followers to support the 2023 Holiday Heroes fundraiser. To download, click on the image (a Google Drive file will open in a new window). Then click on the download icon in the top-right corner of your browser.

Facebook Images





Instagram Images