Newport Beach, California
June 12 – 15, 2013
The ACD was thrilled to exhibit at the UMDF Mitochondrial Medicine 2013 Symposium that was held in Newport Beach, California.
This symposium encourages the exchange of information and cultivates networking among physicians, researchers, patients and families for mitochondrial diseases. Linda Cooper and Kim Tuminello were in attendance for the ACD and met many wonderful people! They had a very active booth and were able to connect with professionals that gave them guidance related to patient advocacy groups. The most frequently shared advice to the ACD was to increase our patient registry! This is a must in accomplishing our goals.
We take this information to heart and will actively work on connecting with other organizations, the medical community at large, lab facilities, patients, and families to improve our patient registry. The ACD will continue to exhibit at future conferences that connect with Cerebral Creatine Deficiency Syndromes.