All posts by: Faith Ochoa

About Faith Ochoa

“Our Life with Epilepsy” – Nathan Hello again, CCDS family, sorry it has been a while since I have contributed to the blog, but I am thankful to have the […]

“Bye, mom” – Nancy “Bye mom!” These were words I had longed to hear for nearly two years. Our youngest son, Sam, graduated high school in June of 2019. In […]

“Rare Diseases” – Lacy Being a parent of a child with a rare disease has its unique challenges. There are so many questions that you ask yourself on a daily […]

“The Carousel” – Nancy The bell rang, the music started, and we began moving slowly. The expression on his face changed almost immediately, and in that moment, I knew I […]

“My Worst Fears” – Chelsi Do you ever feel like all the work we do for our kiddos is not enough? How about feeling lost and deep deep pain when […]