All posts by: Heidi Wallis

About Heidi Wallis

“Perseveration of Speech” – Janet Hi everyone out there! I hope everyone is doing great. Just to fill you in on our family, we have 4 kiddos, 1 of them […]

“Traveling with Special Needs” – Randi Everyday life with special needs children can be challenging. But one adjusts to the “new normal” and establishes a routine that works at home. […]

“Happy Kid” – Laura One of Levi’s greatest attributes is his positive attitude. Things really can’t get him down. This has been an interesting issue when it comes to discipline […]

“With a Little Help from My Friends” – Amy Before we found out about Ben’s Creatine Transporter Deficiency (CTD) diagnosis, he was diagnosed with infantile scoliosis due to his hypotonia […]

“The Power of Music” – Beth “Have you ever had non-verbal students in your choir before?” I asked the junior high choir director a few months into Benny’s 7th-grade year. […]

“Grieving the Missed Milestones” – Regina We’ve all been there. Those moments when we witness our kids- or grandkids- struggling to accomplish a simple task which others seem to be […]