All posts by: Heidi Wallis

About Heidi Wallis

“Seasons” – Nathan Well friends, the end of summer is again upon us.  Children are heading back to school and hopefully, soon the cool air of fall will again give […]

“CTD in Everyday Terms” – Sean I went to college with the intention of becoming a scientist.  With that in mind, I studied biology and chemistry.  While I never ended […]

“Oops, Sorry!” – Jess Today I am writing about one of William’s favourite phrases – “Oops, sorry!”. He is 5 and has Creatine Transporter Deficiency (CTD).

“Warning: Rant Up Ahead” – Beth I feel like my previous entries have been thoughtful and reflective, and admittedly, very therapeutic for me. This one is a little rough around the […]

GAMT Newborn Screening Update – Kim In May, the ACD met with the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children (ACHDNC). GAMT was nominated for inclusion on the […]

“Spiro and I” – Janet My Creatine Transporter Deficiency journey began September 5th, 2009 with the birth of my son Spiro. Although I didn’t know it at the time, our […]

“Run” – Nathan Greetings again friends! While I had a post all written about expectations for this week, I just felt like this topic weighed heavier on my heart, so […]

“The One in the Middle” – Beth With the GAMT diagnosis of two of our children, our unaffected middle child immediately became the odd man out. Even my husband and I, […]