CCDS Family Stories

09May 2019

“Making Friends” – Nancy

When your child is different, there are a lot of worries. We worry about their health; their education; and their safety. But we also worry whether they’ll have something that most of us take for granted. A friend. A real, honest-to-goodness friend. Someone they can relate to, who likes to be in their company, and who will be there for them in good times and bad. Continue reading

26Mar 2019

The Paradox of an Aging Special Needs Child” – Beth

Standing in front of my kitchen sink in the cold, blue, January dawn, I run the warm water to wipe off my son’s face before he heads off to high school. The washcloth steams visibly in the frigid morning air as I carefully wipe off Benny’s face, getting off any traces of breakfast or sleepy eyes. He turns 15 in a week. I realize that I have to reach up to wipe off his face. He’s now taller than I am. I’m struck by the poignancy of this moment. Continue reading

05Mar 2019


Over-protective. Controlling. Helicopter Mom. Whatever you call it, that’s who I am. I’ve been this way since my first child was born in 1991. If I could have wrapped all three of my children in bubble wrap and locked them in the basement until they were 30, I would have. And yet, I haven’t been able to protect my most vulnerable child from exploitation and abuse. Continue reading

14Feb 2019

“Obtain, Maintain, Sustain” – Regina

Immediately following Caiden’s birth, we knew he was facing many struggles. We had a lot to learn. We had a lot to help him overcome. We had a lot of work. Did I spell that loudly enough? WE HAD A LOT TO LEARN. A LOT OF WORK! Continue reading

03Feb 2019

“Super Bowl Sunday 2017—Diagnosis Day” – Erin

Super Bowl Sunday marks two years since we officially received Cadman’s diagnosis. It was so strange answering an unexpected phone call from the neurologist while watching the Super Bowl, and immediately concerning. Just a couple of weeks prior, we also found out that I was pregnant with our second child, Emma, who is now 16 months old and the most delightful addition to our family. My husband Dan and I had been seeking answers for some unexplained concerning issues going on with Cadman for almost a year, and finally, the answer was found through the Whole Exome genetic test which the neurologist reluctantly ordered. The test results came in that Sunday a few months after Dan, Cadman and I did the blood work at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, and the neurologist wasted no time in reaching out to inform us of the very unexpected results. It was an expensive test and one that apparently doctors don’t usually order until lots and lots of other tests have been completed and provided no answers. Continue reading

01Feb 2019

“The Life of Alfred” – Nathan

Every kid dreams of growing up to be a superhero. I can remember running through the house pretending to be everyone from the Incredible Hulk to Superman, and who didn’t dream of shooting webs like Spiderman? Well, fast-forward a good number of years and unfortunately, I am still not a superhero. I don’t think any child ever has a single moment in which they realize that they probably won’t grow up to be a superhero, rather it is a slow transition from what could be to what really is. Right now, you are probably hoping that I have some kind of point I am trying to make with all of this, and I promise I do, just bear with me. Continue reading

20Dec 2018

“Christmastime” – Lacy

I love this time of year! I love snuggling with my kids beside the soft glow of the Christmas tree and pretty decorations as they fall asleep. This is a magical time of year to see their faces light up as we drive through town or when they see there is a present under the tree with their name on it. The Christmas season is a great time to reflect on everything that has happened throughout the year. We have had some great times as a family. Continue reading

17Dec 2018

“#MyGivingStory” – Chuck

This story was shared with #MyGivingStory in connection with the Giving Tuesday initiative. #MyGivingStory shares the stories of everyday heroes giving their time and talents to the charities they love. Continue reading

16Nov 2018

“Patient Champion” – Amy

A couple of weeks ago, we participated in something special – our Ben was a Patient Champion at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon and Half Marathon. It was the most amazing experience for all of us, including Ben, and one we’ll not soon forget. It made us feel seen, heard and celebrated. Again, amazing. Continue reading

05Nov 2018

“Hook ‘em Horns” – Laura

I know those who attended the conference in Texas this summer will all agree that is was fabulous. It was so great getting to meet each other in person. We have all connected through our blog stories and Facebook group, but to actually get to meet and let our kids meet and become friends was truly priceless. Continue reading