CCDS Family Stories

02Sep 2017

Spiro holding his lunch bag in the kitchen

“Whoa” – Janet

Do you ever have those days or seasons where things are just ‘alot’? I know my family goes through those days. They are hard moments… they seem consecutively laid and they are heavy. Alot of people I know have kids. I don’t walk a day in their shoes, nor do they in mine. But over the years I have come across those folks who complain about… well… in my opinion what would not even qualify as a bad day in my house. Continue reading

26Aug 2017

picture of ben smiling

“A Day in the Life” – Amy

I thought it would be beneficial to share a profile of our four, almost five, year old boy with Creatine Transporter Deficiency (CTD) named Ben, who presents without seizures. All our CTD kids are different, so this is by no means a profile of CTD, but rather, a profile of our kid with CTD. I hope this helps others searching for a diagnosis and provides awareness of what CTD means to a family like ours. Here is a day in the life of Ben. Continue reading

19Aug 2017

Sawyer in hospital bed

“What Are the Odds?” – Laura

GAMT is really, really, rare. We all know that! I am sure quite a few of us have been told to buy a lottery ticket a time or two. We have! With the chances and diagnosed cases and all, but can lightning strike twice? We may be going for the lotto next! Continue reading

13Jul 2017

“Milestones” – Laura

Today watching Levi peddle his bike as fast as his little legs would take him off the curb, as he demonstrated and showboated his new tricks on his bike, I couldn’t help but smile and celebrate with and for him. Prior to his diagnosis, there were so many “missed/delayed” milestones that it became frustrating at points for us as parents to wonder… sure every kid walks at different times, but our kid
doesn’t/hasn’t done (fill in many blanks here) yet. Continue reading

06Jul 2017

Family Photo

“Getting Better” – Amy

Ben’s recent Creatine Transporter Deficiency (CTD) diagnosis has hit me hard emotionally, so I thought that an honest account of these emotions could be cathartic. I have gone from feeling sorry for myself, to feeling numb, to feeling a bunch of different emotions – some rational and others not so much. Ben was just diagnosed in January, so many of these emotions are quite raw. I thought perhaps others could relate to this daily struggle that I’m still trying to master – keeping the darkness at bay and clinging to the light. The following are some regular visitors in my daily assortment of emotional lows and highs. Continue reading

29May 2017

Kelly and Toby sticking out his tongue with a lollipop

“What About Me?” – Kelly

I’ve made no secret that our family life is somewhat different from the norm. Our home life is different as we live with 2 of our 3 children’s GAMT deficiency and all the disability that comes with it. Everyone knows it has consumed, shaped, and defined Holly & Isaac’s lives and our lives as parents. Continue reading

27May 2017

Sealed pouches and laminating machine

“Travel Supplements” – Laura

We recently returned from a very fun and needed vacation to Disneyland! It was magical with a 5 and 1 year old. We packed in all that we could and enjoyed every moment of it, but the day after we got home, I still managed hearing the question from Levi asking if we could make a new countdown chain and go back again soon. I will consider that a successful trip! Continue reading

24May 2017

Ben smiling, wearing a preppy sweater

“The Long and Winding Road” – Amy

Not having a diagnosis for your child when you know something is wrong is like driving your car somewhere you’ve never been before with no directions. All you know is the general direction, and you keep moving that way, but you’re really not sure you’ll make your destination because you don’t know how to get there. Continue reading

09May 2017

boys hunting for easter eggs on lawn

“The More Things Change…” – Nathan

Greetings friends! Well, it is that time again as I am once more honored to be a part of your daily intake of reading. Although I often share the awesome craziness of our lives and how our three boys with CTD have gone through some tough spells, everything is on the right track now and this post will be a bit different. Continue reading

04May 2017

Benny hugging Beth

“Saying ‘I Love You'” – Beth

It wasn’t until this school year, Benny’s 7th grade year, that we realized he didn’t have the phrase “I love you” on his communication device. Benny is totally nonverbal and relies on assistive technology to communicate. He does have one approximation of “yeah” in his verbal catalog, but other than that, he uses his voice primarily to indicate feelings only— he’ll screech loudly when he’s mad his TV time is over. Continue reading