Creatine Community Blog

01Apr 2016

“The Parker Family” – Melissa

“There have been angels in my life….” This was written to me on a thank you note by the wife of a friend who passed away suddenly. For some reason, that quote always stuck with me. It meant even more to me when Will was little and his babysitter took me aside one day to tell me “something wasn’t right”. That was angel number 2. She was 73 at the time and had kept practically every child in our hometown. Everyone knew her and everyone trusted her. I was no exception. We trotted straight to the doctor, then to another doctor, then to another. Cerebral Palsy was the diagnosis. “Put him in physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy,” the doctor said. Have a nice life Parker family. He didn’t say it, but I felt it. He was NOT angel number 3, and Will did NOT have CP. We switched doctors and over the next few years both she and I decided he had Will Parker Syndrome. Why not name it after him? She had no idea what was wrong. She became angel number 3. Continue reading

01Apr 2016

“Our Journey” – Kelly

When Trenton was born in New York, he weighed 7 lbs 2 ounces. Before we left the hospital, he dropped to 6lbs 12 ounces, by our first appointment 6lbs 9 ounces and stayed there. He was bottle fed and projectile vomited often. I took him to the pediatrician and they just kept informing me that baby spit up is normal. No matter how much I argued with them it was not just spit up, they didn’t begin to do anything until he finally projectile vomited on them. We were in and out of the doctors at least 2 times a week for approximately seven months. They just kept switching his formula. He got a GI scan and that came back normal. No one knew what to do but he was finally gaining weight so they just dropped it. Continue reading


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