Creatine Community Blog

23Mar 2019

Q&A With Dr. Ton DeGrauw— New Board Member

The Association for Creatine Deficiencies (ACD) welcomes Dr. Ton DeGrauw as part of the Scientific Medical Advisory Board (SMAB)! Dr. DeGrauw joins Dr. Longo, Dr. Andrews, Dr, Barshop, Dr. Chan, Dr. Morita, Dr. Salomons, Dr. Schulze, Dr. Skelton, Dr. Stockler, and Dr. Young as advocates for Cerebral Creatine Deficiency Syndromes (CCDS). Continue reading

05Mar 2019


Over-protective. Controlling. Helicopter Mom. Whatever you call it, that’s who I am. I’ve been this way since my first child was born in 1991. If I could have wrapped all three of my children in bubble wrap and locked them in the basement until they were 30, I would have. And yet, I haven’t been able to protect my most vulnerable child from exploitation and abuse. Continue reading

24Feb 2019

“Gene Sequencing and Gene Therapy” – Matthew Skelton, PhD

Watching the videos that are posted from the conference brings back the excitement and all the feels from being at the Symposium, surrounded by a community of families, kiddos, medical professionals, researchers, and pharma companies with one thing in common: a vested interest in Cerebral Creatine Deficiency Syndromes. Continue reading

14Feb 2019

“Obtain, Maintain, Sustain” – Regina

Immediately following Caiden’s birth, we knew he was facing many struggles. We had a lot to learn. We had a lot to help him overcome. We had a lot of work. Did I spell that loudly enough? WE HAD A LOT TO LEARN. A LOT OF WORK! Continue reading

06Feb 2019

Creatine Deficiency Educational Video

When it was decided to do the first ACD Scientific Symposium and Family Conference in Austin, TX 2018, the idea that so many of us would be all together for the first time, brought on a lot of hopes for a successful conference. The idea that we would have the world’s leading experts in creatine deficiencies, communicating in the same room, and then to be surrounded by CCDS parents and their children that I feel like I’ve known for years, and yet had never met, was incredibly special. We were all excited. This was going to be an amazing opportunity. What could we do with this meeting to really capture it? After all, we thought that we may not have another opportunity like this for years. The answer was clear: A video! Continue reading

03Feb 2019

“Super Bowl Sunday 2017—Diagnosis Day” – Erin

Super Bowl Sunday marks two years since we officially received Cadman’s diagnosis. It was so strange answering an unexpected phone call from the neurologist while watching the Super Bowl, and immediately concerning. Just a couple of weeks prior, we also found out that I was pregnant with our second child, Emma, who is now 16 months old and the most delightful addition to our family. My husband Dan and I had been seeking answers for some unexplained concerning issues going on with Cadman for almost a year, and finally, the answer was found through the Whole Exome genetic test which the neurologist reluctantly ordered. The test results came in that Sunday a few months after Dan, Cadman and I did the blood work at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, and the neurologist wasted no time in reaching out to inform us of the very unexpected results. It was an expensive test and one that apparently doctors don’t usually order until lots and lots of other tests have been completed and provided no answers. Continue reading

01Feb 2019

“The Life of Alfred” – Nathan

Every kid dreams of growing up to be a superhero. I can remember running through the house pretending to be everyone from the Incredible Hulk to Superman, and who didn’t dream of shooting webs like Spiderman? Well, fast-forward a good number of years and unfortunately, I am still not a superhero. I don’t think any child ever has a single moment in which they realize that they probably won’t grow up to be a superhero, rather it is a slow transition from what could be to what really is. Right now, you are probably hoping that I have some kind of point I am trying to make with all of this, and I promise I do, just bear with me. Continue reading

12Jan 2019

Dr. Schulze speaking at the symposium

“GAMT Novel Therapeutics” – Andreas Schulze, MD PhD FRCPC

The ACD Conference held in Austin, TX in July 2018 was truly a wonderful experience and opportunity for so many of us in the CCDS community. While we were not able to attend, we were given the opportunity to view the presentation and slides as presented by renowned GAMT expert, Dr. Andreas Schulze. Continue reading

22Dec 2018

Dr Morita speaking at the symposium

“CCDS Seizures” – Denise Morita, MD

Our son Dylan, who is 5 and was diagnosed with CTD earlier this year, was originally diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 2. At that time Dylan had a series of seizures including multiple tonic-clonic seizures and 1 absence (that we are aware of). Dylan had 2 sleep EEG’s, the second EEG showed an abnormal EEG and he was put on Epilim Chrono sodium valproate. Continue reading


Disclaimer: All thoughts and ideas expressed in the Creatine Community Blog represent the individual blog contributor's opinions and not those of the Association for Creatine Deficiencies. The ideas expressed in the Creatine Community Blog, and any other locations on the website, should never be construed as medical advice, even if the information relates to actual health care experiences of the contributor. Individuals should always follow the instructions of their physician and make no changes to their care unless instructed to do so by their physician.